Bad credit and debt are facts of life that cant always be avoided. Debt comes in many forms. From mortgage…
There are five words, “the 5 S’s” that are the key to smart borrowing! If your back is against a…
Revolving debt sounds like a very expensive merry-go-round, and in some ways it is! But unlike the colorful amusement park…
The old adage says “plan hard, fight easy.” It means that the more you prepare for a task or challenge,…
You need money, and you need it now. You don’t have time to submit eight pounds of paperwork to the…
What is an installment loan really? When you think about it, isn’t EVERY loan an installment loan? Very few loans require…
Will efforts by the federal government to shut down payday lenders also affect installment lenders? It’s an important question, and…
Should You Ever Pay a Fee to Apply for an Installment Loan? In a nutshell – NO! That is a…
Recently, Presidential candidate Donald Trump has been under fire for claiming he started his career with a small dollar loan…
Recently ABC News ran a story of small-dollar lending run amock. Elliott Clark, a retired Marine from Missouri took out…